Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Long overdue

It has been quite awhile since my last post and a lot has been happening in my life and the life of our family. In this post, I will start back in August 2013 and move forward in the posts to come. 

From the beginning of Brian and my relationship, we knew we wanted to adopt but never felt it was the right time, until the summer of 2013. In August 2013 we started the process of adoption through the state of Texas. After lots of paperwork, many training sessions, fingerprinting and background checks and home study, we were licensed in March 2014. From March until now, we have been in a season of waiting. Waiting for God to give us our daughter.

Here is how it all works:
We have a wonderful caseworker who is submitting on our behalf on children who meet our criteria (gender, age range, etc.). The child's caseworker will review all of the family profiles and home studies that they receive and choose three families that are a good match for the child and the child for the families. When we are chosen as one of the three families, our caseworker will take our file before a board and make a case for why we are the best fit for the child, and then the board will choose the family they feel is the best fit.
When we are chosen as one of the three families, we will be notified by our caseworker and when our caseworker goes before the board, we will know the same day whether we were chosen for the child. So far, we have submitted on quite a few children, but have not yet been selected as one of the three families. Our caseworker assures us that this long of a wait is not unusual. With this, we are trying to rest in God's timing. Some days we are strong and patient, other days.......not so much. I came across this quote and try to keep it in mind when our patience is running thin and our strength is wavering: 
"Everywhere in the Bible, God's children are waiting. You can't read scripture and conclude that waiting is a mistake. For some reason, God has ordained waiting as a part of His plan."

So in this season of waiting, I am determined to rely on God for strength and to remind myself that His timing is perfect. Soon enough our daughter will be home and it will all have been worth it.

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