Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First day as a stay-at-home mom

On Thursday, June 6, I became a stay-at-home mom and Caleb couldn't let it be an easy day. We started the first week of our new journey in Texas Children's Hospital as Caleb was treated for a major episode of SVT. This kid was born to keep me on my toes most of the time and on my knees all the time! God was surely with us that day and had His merciful hand on Caleb. I will forever praise Him for His goodness,especially His extreme goodness He showed on June 6. 
Thank you all for your prayers, you will never know how much we appreciate them. The transition of working full-time outside of the home to working full-time inside the home has been great. It has crossed my mind a few times if I was crazy for doing this, but at the end of the day I know God spoke to me and was working things out so that this would be possible. I am so glad Brian and I took that step of faith. I know it's only been a few weeks, but I have not regretted a moment of it.